A walk between Falun and Sundborn village

You will find all information about the walking trail between Falun and Sundborn below.

Starting points:

Skyttepaviljongen (8.5 km)
Sjulsarvet (7.5 km)
Mjölnarbo (6.5 km, recommended for cycle/push chair)


Åsenvägen near Hyttnäs nature reserve and Carl Larsson-gården in Sundborn.

Elevation (difference in altitude):

Approx. 116 m up to the middle and 150 m down.

Normal walking time:

Approx 2 hrs.

Cycle/Push chair:

The stretch between Sjulsarvet and Mjölnarbo is barely accessible; we recommend using the asphalt road nearby.

Military exercises:

The trail may be closed during military exercises. There are notice boards at Skyttepaviljongen, at the boundary of the firing range and at the end of the trail in Sundborn village at Åsenvägen. Under the headings ‘Falu skjutfält’ and ‘skjutvarningar’ on Dalregementets information page you will find the times when the trail is closed to the public.

Firing ranges and sealed-off areas​

Swedish Armed Forces’ information site about Faluns firing ranges and sealed-off areas​

Link to Google Earth-maps:

You can see the trail on Google Earth if you have it installed on your computer.
Carl Larsson Trail, Google Earth-map
– Along the trail there are signs with historical information about the old road and also a few anecdotes and information related to Carl Larsson.
– Food and drink are available at Hyttstugan in Sundborn.