Carl Larsson-gården is located 15 km outside of Falun in the picturesque village Sundborn. You can go to Sundborn by car or by bus. If you travel to Sweden by airline you can catch a train from Arlanda Airport to Falun, and then go from Falun to Sundborn. You will find information regarding accommodation, interesting places to visit and other types of activities in the area at

Carl Larsson-gården
Carl Larssons väg 12
790 15 Sundborn
Tel:+46 (0)23-600 53


Follow the road signs for Sundborn/Carl Larsson-gården from Falun. The GPS-position for Carl Larsson-gården is 60°39’07″ north and 15°46’35″ west. If you need any further instructions on how to go to Sundborn by car, please contact us.
Tel: +46 (0)23-600 53 E-mail: or see or

Distance to Sundborn:

Stockholm 230 km
Gothenburg 470 km
Malmö 700 km
Sundsvall 300 km
Umeå 560 km.


May 1st – September 30th: During the high season Carl Larsson-gården´s parking is at the very beginning of the village on the right side, opposite the petrol station, when you arrive from road 862 from Falun. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the parking lot to Carl Larsson-gården.
October 1st – April 30th: During the off-season there is parking right above Carl Larsson-gården adjacent to the restaurant Hyttstugan.


You can go by train from Stockholm or Arlanda Airport to Falun and then take a bus or taxi to Sundborn from Falu Resecentrum or Knutpunkten, The railway station is connected with the buses in Falun. Please check SJ for further information.

Resecentrum, Falu kommun, Falun
Vi resenärer – Resecentrum, Falun


Route 237 to Sundborn depart from Falu Resecentrum or Knutpunkten. Please check the web site of Dalatrafik to get updated information or call +46 (0)771–95 95 95 for further information. The railway station is connected with the buses in Falun.

Resecentrum, Falu kommun, Falun


The taxi rank is located near the railway station in Falun. There are signs that will guide you to the taxi rank.
You can reach the local taxi company in Sundborn Engkvists Taxi at +46 (0)23-600 59.
Engqvist Buss och Taxi AB


The nearest airport is Arlanda Airport, Stockholm about 230 km from Sundborn. You can easily go to Falun by train or rent a car at the airport.

Stockholm Arlanda Airport